In the exhibition “Tranquility,” watercolor paintings inspired by the stunning nature of Kainuu are on display. The artworks depict forests, lakes, marshes, summer cottages, and farms, radiating peace and beauty.
Irina Shagidulina, a visual artist residing in Hyrynsalmi, was born and raised in the Ural Mountains of Russia. There, she graduated from an art school and university. Irina moved to Finland with her family a few years ago. She is currently a member of the Finnish Artists’ Association, the Finnish Watercolor Artists, and the Kajaani Artists Association. From 2021 to 2024, she participated in exhibitions in Helsinki, Oulu, Rovaniemi, Kajaani, Sotkamo, Kuhmo, and Hyrynsalmi.
The exhibition and shop are open during the cafe’s opening hours.